Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why You Should Use Honest Pictures on Online Dating Sites

We've all seen those infamous "MySpace pictures." A young woman is photographed from an obscenely high angle. A background light is turned on so brightly that it's impossible to discern any of her facial features. Her hair is perfect combed to cover her eyes and half of her face. The camera angle makes it impossible to tell her body type. Are you looking at Aphrodite or Jabba the Hut? No one can tell.

And don't think guys are immune to this phenomenon either. Guys will take a close up of their barbed wire bicep tattoo while conveniently leaving their face out of the shot. They'll point a camera at a fogged up mirror so that the resulting photograph is nothing more than a smoky silhouette. Or they'll just post an old picture of Brad Pitt they found on Google Images and hope no one notices that it's not them.

Of all the lies perpetrated on the general public, you could argue that these "MySpace pics" are the worst and most prevalent. And while putting a questionable picture on MySpace doesn't really hurt anyone, this phenomenon becomes a major problem when these pictures are used for online dating profiles.

It's obvious why people do this sort of thing. They want to put their best foot forward, and when you're not a supermodel, people can judge you harshly. Instead of putting yourself out there, it's much safer and easier to post a blurry picture, taken from a high angle with a blinding backlight. When no one can figure out what you look like, no one can criticize you.

But in truth, these pictures are hurting people much more than they realize. Why? Because you're starting off a relationship by lying. Oh sure, everyone wants to present their best self to the opposite sex, but there's a difference between using your favorite picture and actively creating a new image that presents a deceitful version of yourself. It's not different than saying you're religious when you're actually an atheist, or saying you love dogs when deep down you're secretly a cat person. You are a liar and a fake and that is not a great way to kick off a relationship.

Furthermore, these pictures don't even help you. Sure, you'll get a few extras winks or messages or dates because of a better picture, but unless you're dating a visually impaired person, they are eventually going to see the real you. So now, you've set them up with an unrealistic idea of who you are. Not only are you leaving the door open for a let down, you're practically guaranteeing it. I once heard a story about a guy who went on a date with someone from an online dating site, and when he arrived at the movie theater, he couldn't find her, so he called her cell phone, only to discover she was standing next to him the entire time. He didn't realize this because the girl didn't look anything like her online picture. He was duped! This kind of behavior doesn't pay off. Isn't it better to set the bar low and exceed expectations? Say you go on a date with a person who expects you to be subpar looking and you end up being somewhat attractive. Jackpot, you're in.

Try this: Next time you want a date, sign up for a dating site. And try a local dating site; say you're from Hartford, CT, then use a Connecticut dating site instead of one of those national ones. Then put up an honest picture of yourself. You can use one of your better photos, but make it an honest one. No smoke and mirrors, no blinding backlights, no emo haircuts covering your eyes, and for god's sake get someone else to take the picture instead of doing a 7 feet away long-arm. You might be scared at first to put your true self out there online. But what's truly scary is the prospect of ending up bitter and alone, which is exactly what will happen if you try to deceive your potential love interests. It's like the old saying, "if you don’t have money or a really nice car, you better get people to love you for who you really are." Stop lying and you'll be just fine. Good luck!

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Personality Traits That Attract Women

I'd like to talk about some of the different personality traits that women find most attractive. Some are better when used with others, and some don't work well together. Here is the list with brief descriptions. I'll talk more about combining after.

Funny. Humor is just plain powerful with women. If you can keep her laughing, you will go far.

Intelligent and Creative. Intelligence is sexy IF it's used in a way that's interesting to her. Use your creativity and intelligence to surprise her with ideas, fantasies and unexpected things that charm her.

Educated. Education is attractive to women as long as it's used in an interesting way. Some women are actually intimidated by education, as they're not educated (This usually works in your favor).

Classy and Cultured. If you have class, women pick up on this. Do your shoes and belt match? Do you understand interior design and color contrast? Do you know about different types of wine? Do you like foreign movies? Do you understand fashion? Do you like Frank Sinatra? Do you enjoy exotic foods? Do you

Dominant. Women have an unconscious attraction to dominant men. The dominant males in some primate groups account for up to 75% of all the mating, while the less dominant males go without. Same goes for humans.

Notices Significant Details. Women don't just notice details; they USE them to try to be attractive and attentive. If she is wearing a sexy outfit, she didn't put it on by accident. If her hair is done nicely, it wasn't a fluke. Women are very impressed and attracted to men that notice these details.

Unpredictable/Predictable. Here's a paradox. Women are drawn to men that they can't control or predict. They obsess over guys who flirt and give them attention, then don't call the next day. Predictability is only attractive when it comes to choosing a HUSBAND. Then a woman usually wants a man who's VERY predictable.

Enthusiastic, Fun, Happy. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a killjoy. Some men get upset and pout when a woman is happy, and try to put down the things that she enjoys to sound superior. This is usually a HUGE mistake. Enthusiasm is infectious and attractive.

Adventurous. Women are instantly attracted to men who like to do extreme, adventurous, unusual, even dangerous things. It's exciting. Adventurism is sexy.

Aggressive. Women love men that know what they want and go after it. Passion is a sign of life. I'm not talking about the kind of aggressive that turns into date rape. I'm talking about the kind of aggressive that turns into setting a goal and then going after it with passion and getting it no matter what.

Confident/Cocky. Women are magnetically attracted to men who are just a little bit too cocky. Just a little bit. This is a tough one to explain. Many men take this to mean 'overly arrogant' which is not what I mean. If you watch Pierce Brosnan in 'The Thomas Crown Affair' or Clarke Gable in 'Gone with the Wind' or Tom Cruise in 'Top Gun' you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about. The confident/cocky trait is mild overconfidence combined with humor.

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How to Make Boyfriend Happy

If you think he is the love of your life, you have probably asked at some time for your beloved happy. The only thing we want to make sure that our relationship can be the best, so we always have the love and admiration for the man. If you want to keep a girlfriend happy and satisfied in their relationship, there are a few things you can do.

If you think about how your girlfriend happy to be free. A common complaint among people who feel restricted in their relations. They feel they lost their ability to make their decisions or things to do on their own. If you want your husband is still happy to make it clear that he would like to have a life separate from you. Encourage him to his own friends and their interests. Do the same with his life. If he believes that his freedom, he will be brought to you for your understanding and confidence in him.

Another point to consider when thinking about how your boyfriend happy is to reduce the torment of their relationship as well. Men are not attracted to women who are aware of every little thing in an attempt to start the conflict. If you have a question, which I believe should be discussed, do the same. Neither unfavorable opinion or comment on your boyfriend. Men prefer women who take things into your head and get them resolved.

Keep the drama to a minimum in comparison if you want to meet him. Jealousy does not belong in a loving relationship, and if they have a large part of his head after a conversation with another woman, he will find less attractive. To learn how your boyfriend will be happy as safe as you can. If you show even a small sign of jealousy you suggest that he felt that not enough measures to another. Men do not have fun.

Some things you can say and do to your friend feel helplessly drawn to you. If you think it is there are things you can do to ensure that only have eyes for you. For more insightful tips on understanding people, including a way for him in the fall deeply in love with you, go to this informative site!

You do not have to deviate from the love of chance or fate. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do this to be happening now. Discover what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

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Breaking Out of the Friend Zone - How to Date Your Best Friend

“I really just think of you as a little brother,” she said as the words echoed loudly through my head.

“I was just kidding,” I responded, but secretly that statement was the farthest thing from the truth. I had been secretly plotting my strategy to make her mine for the better part of two years of high school. I had sat and watched as her never-ending parade of boyfriends transverse through her life like a revolving door.

Each and every time I was her rock, her shoulder to cry on. I was there on the phone with here at three in the morning as she wept tears of sorrow, I was there carrying her home after a sloppy night of drinking at the bar and now here I was, the only man in her life who would never do anything to hurt her and I was being told in laments terms that I wasn’t worthy of her affection.

It had taken me almost two years to muster up the courage to tell her how I felt. And now here I was heart broken and depressed. Two years of my life were down the drain with nothing to show for it.

My immediate emotion was anger, followed by resentment coupled with sorrow. I felt socially awkward and insecure and the worst part of it all was I had no idea what I was doing wrong.

There are hundreds of thousands of men the world over who suffer from the exact same problem. Hopeless romantics who believe that honesty and sincerity will see them through to the end of the day and that chivalry still has a place in the heart of the one that they love.

It’s easy to understand why guys think this way. Think about any conversation that you’ve had with a close female friend of yours. It usually goes something like this, “I wish I could find a really nice guy who was different from all of the assholes that I meet on a regular basis. I wish he was kind and caring and honest and in general just loved me for who I am.” That guy she’s describing kind of sounds familiar doesn’t he? Of course he does, because that guy is you.

Right now you’re probably wondering to yourself, if I’m the guy of her dreams than why doesn’t she reciprocate the feelings that I have for her. The answer is quite simple, she lied!!!!

That’s right she whole-heartedly lied to you and you bought every word of it. Don’t worry, it wasn’t intentional. The problem is that there is a big disconnect between what women want and what they perceive they want. After all, there is a reason why the slogan goes nice guys finish last, not nice guys finish first.

This doesn’t mean she wants an asshole, she simply wants a guy who can stand up for himself, a guy who can protect her and a guy who has social value someone who is active and has more in his life than just her.

The problem with being her best friend is two fold, one she see’s you as someone who will always be there for her. That means that regardless of what she does to you, you’ll be there to comfort and console her no questions asked. This makes you come across as a wimp and someone without any confidence.

Secondly although you’ve established trust and comfort in the relationship that you’ve built with her, it is devoid of any sexual tension. She views your relationship as strictly plutonic and nothing else.

The fact of the matter is, the longer your friendship with her lasts, the more she will see you in this light. It’s what we like to refer to as BFFed. (Best Friend Forevered)

Converting your friend into a girlfriend is labor intensive, it’s going to require a lot of work and a lot of planning but before you make the commitment and the sacrifice you need to consider a few things.

Is my friendship worth risking? I was able to maintain a solid friendship with my friend, but you might not be so lucky. You need to seriously think about the consequences of your decision. If things don’t go according to plan there is the chance that your friendship will be permanently strained or even worse vanquished.

You also need to think about how your decision affects the rest of your friends. Chances are this girl isn’t just your friend, but friends with your other buddies as well. Think about the group dynamics before proceeding.

If you’re serious about making this work then I encourage you to go for it. Nothing is worse than looking back on life and regretting not taking up an opportunity that had presented itself.

If you want to win over your friend, the first step is to forget about them. That’s right you need to forget about the lust you have for friend. As long as you’re a love struck puppy you’ll never have a shot at turning your friendship into romance.

What you need to do is start meeting other women, stop spending all of your free time with your friend and go out and meet other attractive women, make these girls your friends or better yet date them. This shows your friend that women value you and there’s more to you than she had previously perceived.

Next you need to constantly show this newfound skill to your friend. Invite her out with you to a bar or club and then excuse yourself to go hit on a cute blonde sitting one table over. This will almost certainly drive her crazy with jealousy. The always-available rock of a friend isn’t so available any more.

Lastly incorporate some playful flirting and Kino into your friendship. You should find now that her acceptance of you as a romantic partner has increased tenfold. She will be much more open to your sexual advances and more willing to engage in a sexual relationship with you.

The key is to stop pursuing her and get her to pursue you. Now you are the target, the one who is desired and cannot be obtained.

On New Years of this year I was out a club with a group of buddies when I happened to run in to my friend that I had a crush on so many years ago. She knows what I do for a living and she hears stories of my adventures with women. She looks at me differently now, playfully hugging and touching me whenever she can.

On this night she greeted me with a huge hug and playfully bit my neck. We had a few drinks before she pulled me into a quiet corner in the back of the club.

“How come you never call me anymore,” she said in a half whine. “I really love you you know, I’m better than any of the girls that you pick up. What do they have over me?”

I grinned and I laughed, if this was eight years ago I would have jumped at the opportunity to take her up on her offer. But that ship has sailed, I’m no longer attracted to her and have more than my share of 9’s and 10’s to choose from. It’s not a knock on my friend, she’s a great person and very beautiful, but there’s just a certain empowerment you feel when you achieve the unattainable, more often than not you don’t want it anymore.

You may find that after going out and meeting other girls your friend no longer interests you. That’s fine it happens, we’re men and sometimes our sights are blinded by the most attractive girl in their line of vision. Keep this in mind and give other girls a chance you never know, you just might find that what you want and what you perceive you want are two very different things.

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Break Up Quotes - Two Quotes That Helped Me

Break up quotes can be like a calm little island surrounded by a stormy sea. For most people experiencing a break up with someone you love is gut wrenching . They call it a "broken heart" but sometimes I think it should be called a broken stomach, because it hurts so much in the gut. Also your mind races with anxiety and life is no longer the way you knew it before your ex broke up with you.

Most of us turn to family and good friends for comfort and understanding during a break up. Along with family and friends we will often turn to the Bible or other inspirational books and see what others have to say about there break up and perhaps pick up words of advice. I want to talk about two break up quotes that have meant a lot to me.

The first of the two break up quotes I want to speak of is from, "How To Survive The Loss of A Love", written by three authors, Peter McWilliams, Harold Bloomfield, and Melba Colgrove. The break up quote I fell in love with is "I am alive. I will survive". This break up quote brought me a lot of comfort after a particularly tough break up. .

When your world comes undone after your ex leaves you, it often seems like the main concern is not how to get your ex back, but how to get through the end of the day. "I am alive. I will survive" was a breakup quote that did just that, it enabled me to get through to the end of the day. It reminded me that I would make it and survive this if I just kept going.

Now, not all break up quotes are going to relate to everyone. But if you are going through a really tough break up, try saying this break up quote out loud. Take a deep breath and say "I am alive. I will survive". Break up quotes can be good for the soul and I know this one is for mine.

Another one of my favorite break up quotes I want to share with you is from the e-book, "The Magic Of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. There are many break up quotes I could have pulled from the book but this one struck a chord for me. "This is the truth: You will not die without your ex. If he/she was your whole life, then you need to improve your life first." This is one of the those break up quotes that really does speak the truth. This quote is a wake up call to better your life first before getting back into a relationship. When you have balance in your life and are the best you can be, then Mr. or Mrs. Right will come knocking at your door.

It is devastating when your ex leaves you on the curb of life and there you are, all alone. However after a little time of prospective it can be one of the best motivators to pick up the pieces and improve your life. The pain of loss can catapult us into some of our greatest successes and our greatest relationships. These two break up quotes remind us of just that.

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Led Zeppelin Going on Tour…chris Cornell Replacing Robert Plante?

There have been some exciting rumors floating around that Led Zeppelin will be taking to the road. The line up would feature original guitarist Jimmy Page, original bassist John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham taking over on drums for his late father, John Bonham. Robert Plante however will not be joining the rock icons on their reunion excursion.

In fact rumor has it that the band now handicapped by one member has asked Chris Cornell to join them on the road. Here’s what Cornell had to say to MTV as he physically disabled the rumor, "I have not been approached so far to fill in for Robert Plant on the upcoming Zeppelin tour, but that isn't to say I won't be. I've heard that from about 200 people now, and it might be one of those situations where it's just an online rumor or it might be true. But if you see anyone from Led Zeppelin around, let me know.

I think I should actually fill in for Jimmy Page on the Robert Plant/ Alison Krauss tour." Rumors of the tour sparked since the band played a single reunion set last year in London. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister made the rumor juicy when revealing that the band was thinking of touring with or without Plant. Along with the Cornell gossip there seems to be other men in the mix, namely Sammy Hagar, Jack White and Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl.

The band is being very clear that they are not looking for a Robert Plante impersonator. They need someone that fits well, finding someone who can do what Plante does is no different than starting a tribute band, they want someone who can bring there own flavor to the table. You’d have to be visually impaired to not see that Zeppelin is upset with the rejection they received from Plante. So with fingers crossed loyal fans hope to see the icons on tour soon regardless of who fills in for Plante.

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Millions Spent on Voting Machines for the Disabled

Even the most seasoned of election inspectors had some learning to do for this American election. For the first time in history a voting machine for people with disabilities was implemented into the voting process. With a price tag of $11,500, these machines known as the Sequoia/Dominion Image Cast or more commonly known as the Plan B machine definitely do not come cheap.

In the past people with disabilities could not vote independently so for them this is much bigger than most people could imagine. There is one machine available per polling site and at 391 sites this project is running the country $4,496,500. Sixty-nine of the machines were used at the September primary election and all were excited by its success. People who have tested the machines said they catered to people with a wide variety of disabilities and could really broaden the voting pool.

There have always been large groups of disabled people who would forego voting solely for that fact that they could not go on their own, there has even been talks of having special voting dates for disabled people. The machines are very much like the digital machines that will replace all the manual lever units currently in place, sporting touch screens that allow voters to see their options and scanners that print paper ballots for verification.

There are of course distinct features to help those with disabilities: an audio component for voters that are visually impaired, and a sip-and-puff attachment and foot paddles for physically disabled voters with limited or no upper-body movement. These are among the most complicated machines that voters have seen, and the voting process on one of these units takes about 15 minutes. With all the work and preparation that went into the new machines its safe to say that one thing is for sure, the American public realizes that it was time to bring facility to disabled people and make voting an easy process for all of the American public.

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Choose a Valentine's Day Gift for Him & Her

Until now you must have gone through various gifting options for Valentines Day but still feel that you need to do something unique and special. Now after searching various options and going through many shops you must be confused as to what exactly would be good for him or her.

Let me help you in selecting gifts for your lover that would be unique and special just like your bond of love.

Do you know that there are websites that offer a wide variety of Valentines Day gifts? They have a specialized collection for this occasion. Now let’s define gifts into two categories:

For Her:

When you wish to gift something special to the most special girl or lady in your life then you want it to be unique and special just like her. So, you can go for the following gift options:

Ladies Kurta—A collection of block printed, cotton embroided kurtis for women. These are available in attractive colors and latest designs. This can be paired with jeans, with a salwar or a churidaar.

Women’s apparels— This includes a whole variety of Indian traditional dresses that contains: Sari, Salwar & kameez, t-shirts, designer kurtis and Churidaar. All these are available in fabrics like, cotton, georgette and silk.

Jewelry— A collection of beautiful gold plated pendent that is embedded with stones, these come in various designs and are also available in all the 12 zodiac signs. There is also a whole collection of ethnic designed jewelry that includes various necklaces and ear rings.

For Him:

Men always like something that is valuable and something that is useful for them. So, while choosing a gift for that special man in your life you should choose a gift that is appropriate for him. You can choose from the following options:

I Pod& Mp3 Players— Everyone loves music, but the idea is to gift him a music player so that he could play his favorite songs. Just buy an I pod or an Mp3 player from an online shopping website to surprise him. Now after buying it to do something unique for him you can yourself add a collection of his personal favorite songs and even record a message that would express your feelings. So, now a simple gadget is a personalized and special gift from you to him.

Men’s Apparels— This includes: shirts, trousers, jeans, t-shirts and neck ties. You can choose any of these, create your own combo or even go for combos like: cordless shaver with neck tie and neck tie & steel hip flask.

Men’s Kurta— You will find various designs and style in kurta. It can be worn with jeans or pajama.

Mobile Phones— Nothing better than a mobile phone to stay connected to your boy friend anytime and anywhere. You can choose the latest mobile available and from the cheapest deals to suit your requirement.

Digital Cameras— Capture special moments and freeze the time by gifting him a digital camera available at cost effective prices and in latest technology.

All these gifting options are a sure way to wind the heart of your lover. So, what are you waiting for? Choose any of the above gifts for your valentine and have it delivered to your beloved.

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5 Secret Reasons Why Women Reject Men

So you did it! You worked up the courage to approach an attractive woman and start a conversation. But as soon as you open your mouth she finds a reason to get away from you.

The question is did you do something wrong or is she simply a rude person?

Well she might be mean, but she might also have a reason for her behavior. In fact, there might be a specific reason why she rejected you. In the next few minutes, I'll cover 5 of the most common reasons why women reject men and what it means to you.

1. This woman is taken

One of the simplest reasons why a woman will reject you is because she has a boyfriend or husband. Now if she's taken don't be too disappointed. Simply move on to a woman who is available.

2. She is not in a good mood

It's a simple truth that we all have bad days. Perhaps you approached this woman one hour after her dog died. So any attempt to draw her into conversation will meet with disaster.

You want to see how she's acting before you approach. If she looks particularly angry or sullen, then you might want to talk to a different woman.

3. She is evil

Now one principle I try to internalize is the fact that ANY rejection I get is the result of something I did wrong on the approach. By adopting this attitude, I'm able to examine what I did and learn from it.

But there is a simple truth about some women. Sometimes you'll encounter some women who are pure evil. Frankly they enjoy manipulating guys and hurting them. If you see scores of guys approaching a woman and walking away with a dejected look, then you she might be an evil girl.

4. She was recently hurt

There are some periods in a woman's life where she is not interested in dating men. A lot of this is because some another guy deeply hurt her. So unfortunately your attempts could meet with a swift rebuke. To her, you represent ALL men who have hurt her during her lifetime.

5. She didn't like your approach

The way you approached a woman was wrong. Perhaps you used a cheesy pick up line or you didn't display the right kind of body language.

What's promising is this the ONLY reason for rejection in which you have control. If you know the right way to approach a woman and initiate a conversation, then you'll quickly reduce your chances of rejection.

There are many reasons why a woman will reject men. While you can't control most of these factors, there is one major way to eliminate any chance of her turning you down. If you learn the right way to initiate a conversation, you'll see a dramatic increase in your success with women.

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How to Approach Women Successfully

Life is a lot different from the imaginary, fabricated on that we see in Hollywood. It always seem that men are able to confidently approach women, and without a need to search for the right pick up line. But why would this create a problem? With the fabricated script lines that are created for them, and the women who are paid to respond accordingly, there really should be no problem.

Let's face it though, in our real life it's not quite this easy, as the right 'line' isn't always at your disposal. This probably sounds all too familiar to most of us. Perhaps you're out with your friends, and notice a beautiful woman at that corner table. You procrastinate and procrastinate, and still haven't went to talk to her. You procrastinate even more, and look over again, and she's with another man - a confident man, who appears to know how to pick up girls. This man seems to be the man that everyone wants to be like, including you!

If your solution on how to be an alpha male and how to get girls is to brush up on those pickup lines, then you are bound to fail. Rare is the woman who will fall for a cheesy and overused pickup line. Imagine a woman who has heard your pickup line before from some other guy. Imagine a woman who has read that pickup line while surfing the Internet.

The key to approaching a woman is confidence. Stop racking your brain for things to say when you approach a woman. Be confident about yourself, your looks, your skills, and your own person. Come across as a guy who is out to have some relaxed fun and is not needy or desperate to pick up women. Show her your attraction not by saying that she looks like an angel who just fell from the sky. Tell her she's beautiful as relaxed or as matter-of-factly as possible. Don't say it like it's the line that will get you your next girlfriend. Say it as an honest compliment to a lady.

One important thing when picking up a woman is how to keep yourself different from the ordinary 'trying to take her home' scheme. Let's face it - women aren't stupid, and they'll be able to see right through you. Conversely, you must stay focused on ensuring keeping her interest, and more importantly stay interested in her's. Perhaps she has friends with her, which is an excellent opportunity to strike a conversation on how they met. Keep a well-balanced conversation by talking about both your interests and her's. The key is to send such a message that she realizes that you're not the typical guy, but rather a gentleman who is out to have a good time, and to get to know a truly interesting person - and not for what most other guys are after.

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